Excursion to planetarium for children of Nizhnekamsk

30 January 2017, Monday

Another charity eventfor 32 children and 19 parents from families registered on social patronage was organized by Olga Tugashova ,social teacher of Nizhnekamsk Social Assistance Centre for Family and Children in the frames of the Republican Programme “Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Child Neglect and Homelessness”. The children visited show “Towards stars” demonstrated in local planetarium.

The aim of the event was to organize leisure time, broaden of outlook, defuse psychological and emotional tension and improve relationships between children and parents.

The children received a lot of information and learned interesting facts about our planet: formation of the Solar System, germ of life, germ of life, potential reasons of dinosaurs extinction. What about adults they as well remained satisfiedwith an excursion as they got an opportunity to have free time and spend it with their children.

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